- Posts:
- 10037 (2.011 per day)
- Social Networks:
- Personal Text:
- Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
- Age:
- 63
- Location:
- Calgary AB
- Additional Membergroups:
- Addon-Black Hat Society
- Additional Membergroups:
- Addon-Writer's Circle
- Religion:
- Eclectic religious Witchcraft
- Birth Religion:
- Liberal Christianity (United Church of Canada)
- Biography:
- - Urban/Practicing Animist
- Pantheist (absolutely not panentheist)
- Medium-hard polytheist who works with a thematic personal pantheon ('polytheist poached medium')
- Agnostic (i.e., I believe all these things, or alternately, act as if they are true, based on the evidence of experience, but I do not know them, and have doubts about whether they can be known absolutely - which doesn't stop me from asking the questions)
- Borderline atheist (depends on definition - I do not believe in a self-aware, volitional, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent creator-of-everything)
- Eclectic neoPagan religious Witch. Influenced by many things, including Traditionalist Wicca/Witchcraft and Feri-derived material. Member in standing of the BHS. Grumpy witch.
- Witch of the system formerly known as Libertarian Witchcraft, currently nameless, which I constructed (no grandmothers were harmed or fallaciously invoked in the construction of this system), and therefore chthonurgist.
- Discordian
- Cyberwitch
- Improvisational Magician
- rational mystic, technician of the sacred, spiritworker, worldwalker
- liminalist
- voluptuary
- Humanist (if just one of these is 'my religion', this is the one; the others are explanations of worldview and/or descriptors of praxis) - Preferred Pronouns:
- sie/hir/hirs/hirself
- Join Date:
- June 21, 2011, 02:01:00 pm
- Local Time:
- February 19, 2025, 06:54:43 am
- Last Active:
- Yesterday at 05:43:50 am
I'm the AntiFa genderqueer commie eclectic wiccan Mod your alt-right bros warned you about.I do so have a life; I just live part of it online!
“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” - Oscar Wilde
"Nobody's good at anything until they practice." - Brina (Yewberry)
My much-neglected blog "If You Ain't Makin' Waves, You Ain't Kickin' Hard Enough"