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Messages - rocquelaire

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Magic and the Occult for Beginners / Magic and Health
« on: May 16, 2021, 03:42:45 am »

I’m not entirely new to magical practice but I haven’t really done anything for years so I feel like a beginner again.

I’ve been having some chronic health stuff going on, and I recently found out that it’s worse than I thought. Not life-threatening or anything like that, but multi-system and deeply rooted. Anyway, I am of course doing everything practical in the mundane sense - taking meds, looking for a Dr I can afford to work with long term etc. But I was wondering if there are any magical ways I can support my health.

I’m not looking for a quick-fix, I know it doesn’t work like that. I was thinking more along the lines of practices that might give my mundane efforts a little boost. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience in this area? Or resources you could point me towards?


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Books and Other Resources / Re: Caitlin Matthews
« on: April 07, 2021, 03:23:52 pm »
Fwiw, I've been following her a long time and I'm not aware of any problematic events involving her (which isn't to say there couldn't be). I like her work that I've read. I certainly haven't read everything she's published. She's pretty prolific.

I don't think there are any authors I agree with 100%, though.

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There are probably never going to be authors we agree with 100%. The paragraph that put me off read as victim blaming to me, but it’s entirely possible that I’m being overly sensitive.

I think I’ll read the rest of the book and just take that section with a pinch of salt.

Thanks all!

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Music, Television, and Film / Re: Playlists -- melancholy music
« on: March 30, 2021, 02:11:52 pm »
What is/would be on your 'melancholy' playlist?

My Immortal by Evanescence would top my list

Books and Other Resources / Caitlin Matthews
« on: March 24, 2021, 10:17:49 am »
Hi all,

I received Caitlin Matthew's 'The Psychic Protection Handbook' as a gift a while back. I was flicking through it the other day, feeling in need of a bit of cleansing and protection, and I came across a pretty troubling passage. Does anyone have any experience of her work? Is it worth ignoring that section and looking at the rest or should I just ditch the book all together?


Holidays and Festivals / Re: A TC Summer Solstice Ritual in Meatspace?
« on: March 22, 2021, 04:51:27 pm »
I'd almost certainly be up for something here in England -- my first thought was Avebury stone circle, since we all know Stonehenge is well and truly spoken for.

I would definitely be up for this. I can’t swing a trip Stateside, even with a year’s notice, but England is definitely doable. And I love the idea of doing something along these lines.

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Introductions / Reintroduction
« on: March 20, 2021, 04:55:33 am »
Hi all,

I’m an old member but I haven’t been around for so long I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself again.

My name is Rocquelaire, and I’m a Gaelic Polytheist. I’m one of Brighid’s kids but I also honour The Morrigan. I’ve been known to do some spell work but I haven’t done anything like that for a long time.

My life has become increasingly busy over the last few years and I developed a chronic illness and in amongst all that, my spiritual life has taken a backseat. But I feel like I’m being called to change that so I’m back here at the best forum on the internet.

I look forward to catching up with old friends and getting to know some new ones

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I'm interested in how you normally interact with this forum (and website). Do you use a Desktop/Laptop? A tablet? A phone? And what type: Windows/Apple/Android/etc. "Other" includes devices like Blackberries, windows phones, windows tablets, etc.

For me, its most often Tapatalk on my iPhone. Occasionally I use my laptop with windows 10

Health and Medicine / Re: Dealing with really stressy stress
« on: September 08, 2017, 04:59:44 pm »
Wasn't sure where to put this, but anyway...

What do you do when you're so stressed & worked up you can hardly contain it.

I'm at a loss here.

(((Pickle))) I hope this post finds you feeling better.

When I'm struggling with stress like that, I go for a walk if I can. Being outside makes a really big difference tonne. I try to go somewhere with trees and/or running water and just breathe.

When I can't do that, I clean. The physical exertion helps but also, I think, the repetitive motions can be soothing. I often use salt, lemon and rosemary in my cleaning water and focus on cleansing my environment of built up stress etc as well as dirt.

Cauldron Cill / Re: Not Dead. How is everyone?
« on: June 19, 2017, 02:40:52 pm »

How is everyone else? I've missed being here; I feel so out of the loop.

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I've not been around as much as I would like either. I'm so crazy busy just now. My book came out in Feb and since then, it's been constant marketing stuff round about putting together an anthology, working on the next book and trying to figure out how to make myself visible.

My 3yo has been sick a lot this year. Colds, infections, tonsillitis. So she's taken a lot of looking after. And of course I had a baby in December.

I still keep my shifts but I feel like my spiritual practice has taken a backseat lately.

Cauldron Cill / Re: June 19 shift
« on: June 19, 2017, 02:36:20 pm »
I'll cover

Cauldron Cill / Re: Cill Shift Schedule
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:06:45 am »
Quote from: Sorcha;202559
I'll cover one; doesn't matter which.

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I can cover the 4th shift - that coincides with Clann Bhride shift so I can do it indefinitely.

Art, Poetry, and Writing / Re: Shuffling Gumshoe Blues
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:10:35 am »
Quote from: entwife;201838

For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?  

Brilliant! I love the voice you've used here - I can picture an octopus in a fedora :-)

Thank you for sharing these, Entwife, I always enjoy them so much.

Introductions / Re: Hello from the UK!!
« on: January 22, 2017, 04:49:19 am »
Quote from: skyefoxe;201575
Merry Meet!
I am a 31 year old pagan from the UK!
I would call myself eclectic, as I am interested in exploring all paths!
Nice to meet you all :)

Hi Skyefoxe, welcome to TC!

Sports, Recreation, and Travel / Re: Fitness Challenge: Winter 2017
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:38:17 am »
Quote from: Kylara;201312
Definitely take things easy while you are healing!  Perhaps you can try putting your tracker on your sock/ankle?  or even on your wrist and see if that works?

My fracker is a Jawbone UP so I wear it in my wrist. I think the problem is that when I'm pushing the pram, my hands are fairly stationary so it doesn't pick up the movement as well as usual.

Food wise, I had a really successful week and I'm already feeling less bloated and uncomfortable. I'm sticking with it this week, at least until the weekend when it's my husband's birthday. Then there will be cake!

Cauldron Cill / Re: Imbolc Exchange 2017
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:27:07 am »
Quote from: Aster Breo;201502
Our deadline for the Imbolc exchange was today, but I want to extend it a little, to see if anyone else might be interested.  At this point, there's only 3 of us -- which is fine, of course.  But, if anyone else wants to join in, please let me know by Friday, January 20.

These exchanges are a lot of fun!  I've been doing them for years, and I really cherish the gifts I've received.  I have several truly beautiful crosses and brats, and even some pretty unusual brats including a hand-knit headscarf and handknit fingerless gloves.  I LOVE each gift I've received.

I hope more Cill members will join us.  :)

I really love doing the Imbolc exchange and have a special shelf below my shrine for the gifts I've received from my Cill mates.

I didn't sign up initially because I'm so swamped just now and I wasn't sure I would have the time/energy to make something but when this post came up Brighid gave me a nudge so I'm in. Sending PM now.

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