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Messages - Tamina

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Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: June 24, 2014, 02:14:49 pm »
Quote from: hraefngar;150115
Hello.  I am a Heathen from the Midatlantic, USA.  I will check out the Asatru/Heathenry SIG.

I think I visited this forum years ago, but I would have no idea what my log in would have been.  I was a different religion back then, anyway.  

Nice to meet you all.


Theory and Practice of Magic / Re: Full Moon Prayer
« on: May 11, 2013, 12:31:27 pm »
Quote from: Jenett;108393
A lot of these things are relatively small: it's a bunch of either/or decisions at minor points ("do I put on this play list or that one? do I pick up this book or that book?") But they also all build toward a larger goal, and they help reinforce that goal.

I absolutely love this concept and will definitely put it to work in my practice. :)

Quote from: fjfritz;108331
No fanfare, no announcements, just a simple addition to a list but it means so much.

U.S. Department of Affairs lists Thor's Hammer

As a Combat Veteran, I'm pretty excited about this. Here's hoping that when my time comes, I'll have something on that list that represnts me and I won't be settling for something else.

I hope more continued to be added!

I feel like I need to give a little background with this post.

This last summer I went to Texas for a month. My family is a mix of religous and not. My mom tried to be a good Christian, and prays and talks about Jehovah (That's the term I use when talking about the Abrahamic God because it's one of the names that I used most when I was a Christian.) because she feel obligated to and guilty that she doesn't. My sister believes because she whole heartedly does and she's got some psychological issues that make it easy for her to do and she lives in backwoods Texas where you can't not unless you've got balls of steel. My other sister doesn't put much thought into it at all.

So When I went to stay with them, I made sure to let them know that we teach Religious Acceptance in my house and don't tell the children what they have to believe and that we're raising them to be accepting and make their decisions when they're old enough to do so.

Well, my First sister's oldest son, who is 8, told my son  (who was 6) that since he didn't believe in Jehovah (He said God) that he was going to go to hell and burn there  forever and that he was sorry that's just how it was. So I had to have the religion talk long before I wanted to.

Fast Forward: The kids know how I believe and how a ton of other people believe and are now trying to figure out what they want to believe. When my daughter told me that she wanted to worship my Goddess, I told her that she shouldn't just do that because she wanted to be like me and that maybe we should try to see if she likes one. Well, one kid can't do something without the other wanting to too, so we sat down to he computer and I pulled up a list of Gods and Goddesses from many differen pantheons. Everything from Greek to Hindu to Ancient Egyptian. My son wanted a God and my daughter wanted a Goddess (they are 6 and 7) so we went through the list.

I told them to listen to the names and pick the ones that they liked or that made them happy. After wheedeling the list down to a handful, I told them to think about the name and if it made them feel warm and fuzzy, like when I hug them or kiss their booboos, then to tell me. They asked what each God on their list did so I told them. Before we did that we talked a little bit about religion and why people have and want one. My daughter (6) shocked me by choosing Tara from the Hindu pantheon, and my son choose Zeus. (I used this list for the Goddesses: | and this one for the Gods: for no reason than they seemed fairly comprehensive)

When I asked why my son responded with, He's uses lightening and is in charge of all the other Gods. (Perfect for a 7 year old boy with a little sister. LOL) My daughter told me "I like that she 'propels all life'." It was a bit of a misquote from what I'd read to her but I liked it none the less.

Now, they talk to their God when they have questions and at night they ask for protection and my daughter started asking Tara to 'pick her God-flowers and teach her God-things'. My son hasn't actually picked up with it much and that's fine. He wasn't originally interested on his own anyway, it was more or an extension of wanting to do what his sister was doing.

For me, I'm hoping that what they take away from it is a sense of something greater than themselves and the ability to... develop some sense of self.

Here's the real meat and bones of the post. With summer fast approaching and the kids getting ready to spend a lot of time out of doors with their friends, I wanted to do a kind of long running spell/daily affirmation for protection and guidance for them in their play and social interactions and the decisions they make.

We let the kids live and learn from their mistakes, always have and probably always will. I've never been a hover-parent and have relied on their own deductive reasoning in facing obstacles. ( For instance, we have a dog and a cat. When the dog chews on something or the cat scratches something up the kids know not to get onto the pet because it's their fault that the toy was left on the floor and the dog is just a dog with a dogy brain and doggy urges.)

If I tell them they can't do something, I first ask them what they can come up with for why they wouldn't be allowed to do it and what kind of outcomes might happen if something goes wrong or they say or do the wrong thing. I either keep prodding until they get it right or tell them if it seems like they never will.

So. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they might do in this type of working and how, if at all, to incorporate the Gods that they've chosen to pray to at night. I've got some of my own ideas, but wanted some imput before I decided on what to do.

Also, if you're read all of this and made it this far, you deserve a cookie. I'm sorry it got so long! Thanks for reading and sharing.

Quote from: SunflowerP;108284
Off-topic: Thank you for the lovely collection of lightbulbs, which illuminate a number of widely-disparate things for me.


Isn't she aweseome.

Gods, Goddesses, and Mythology / Re: Deities that Frighten You
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:03:37 pm »
Quote from: Jenett;108278
Fascinating line of thread.

M'Lady, the primary deity I have devotion to, is - she pretty much doesn't get any tech since shortly after the printing press. She's clearly not been out and about much in that time.

I can't tell if She was off being a small local water deity, or if she was doing something entirely different, or ... what. And mostly it doesn't matter, just that I tend to get instructions, when she instructs, that run "Go do those things you do that I don't really get how they work, but do that thing." when it applies to communications and writing and information distribution. And I do and she's happy.

(I get the sense that her consort's been out and about more recently, but not in a really obvious way.)

Most of the Gods that I work with have had fairly consistent worship, or acknowledgment. Hecate, Brighid, and Odin.

But I also work with Ares. There isn't a lot out there on Him, He doesn't have a lot of followers but I don't get the disconnect from a sense of time at all. Maybe because, as a race, humans are fairly violent and warlike and always have a need for perfection, achievement, domination, courage, drive, and violence. He's got enough 'energy', so to speak, to draw from. Maybe He takes those energies and emotions and treats them as offerings and view them as a reason He needs to pay attention.

Maybe He's excited by M-16's and the idea of a flame thrower, hand grenades and that the prospect of that crazy bomb Tony Stark invented in Iron Man 1. I do know that He's a fan of Modern Science and all it's achievements. Everything from healing to computers to the .50 Caliber Machine Gun.

That's totally not up to me to decide, but I do know that He hasn't forgotten what a warrior is and how they act and what they need and he's totally aware that there's more weapons than those in the traditional sense. He's told me, over and over again, that I need to arm myself for every occasion. Especially those of wit and knowledge.

Theory and Practice of Magic / Re: Full Moon Prayer
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:45:31 am »
Quote from: Jenett;108265


Ok. I've still got a lot of random questions that I'm not sure if I know how to word them or even what I want to know.

Baiscally you're working with the aspect that... the entire day is devoted to the spell so the things that you do, wether it's acknowldging the moon, taking the time to go to town and pick up nutmeg, breaking the bread, or dancing in your kitchen, are all a part of the intention directed to the spell. It's not necessarily in the actual bones of the spell but it works toward it.

Other ways that this can be done is: a specific time or preperation for the spell can be used as well. Like ritual bathing or cleaning up the space that you'll be using or selecting the clothing you can wear. But it doesn't have to be limited to prep work, it could be a workout or what meals you eat that day or anything?

Quote from: Marukai;108247
I'm unsure what to think about this girl, she kept insisting that she had memory issues and yet the jury found her guilty of first degree murder. Couldn't there have been a chance for a verdict of insanity? She now faces the possibility of death.

Fox news stated that behind the scenes she mentioned that she was Demon possessed and that the Demon made he do the wicked things that she did to her bf. Is Demonic possession real? Her symptoms of memory loss seem to fall in place with the symptoms of Demon possession.

Well, it is Fox news...

Theory and Practice of Magic / Re: Full Moon Prayer
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:30:15 pm »
Quote from: Jenett;108216
And you can set things up so that you subtly reinforce it every time you look at the moon ("Oh, yes, the moon is getting bigger, [thing I did magic for] is growing")

I love it when you post. :) I always learn things I didn't know, or get something clarified that I didn't realize I needed.

In this quote in particular.
Is it just the act, looking at the moon and noting the increase in phase, that's symbolic of a spell that you've already done that would increase with the phase of the moon? (ex: A spell to cause more energy to build daily in a speficied space until it reaches fullness.)

Or is it written into the actual spell? (ex: Every night you spend in meditation inside the specificed circle it builds energy inside the circle for use on it's fullness.)

Paganism For Beginners / Re: Finding Deities to Honor
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:14:47 am »
Quote from: Aimo;108159
Thank you for the link. :)

Another question, do you think it is okay to honor a number of different deities from different pantheons but from the same sphere of influence at the same time? In my case, Healing/medicine, for example honoring Greek Apollo, Nordic Eir and Hindu Dhanvantari at the same time?

I personally work with Hecate, who was known all over Europe but is considered part if the Greek Pantheon, Ares from there also, Brighid who is Celtic, and Odin from The Norse Pantheon. :)

I'm a hard polytheist so it's not a problem for me. Also, in my UPG they all get along and share some qualities. :)

Quote from: Moonstone;96009
How do all of you experience contact with your deities? How do you know they are there? Do they answer your prayers? Do you get a direct verbal message or just a feeling?
Personally, i have never had "verbal" communication with a deity, but i can feel them there, for example Brighid feels like a warm glow, but Cernunnos feel more ancient and distant and somewhat stern.
I'm really interested to see your replies.

I've had one verbal communication ever, and even that was in my own head not my ears. Hecate woke me out of a dead sleep with the phrase "Anything Will Do!!" After I had been particularly wishy-washy over what to leave her as an offering. She's sent me other messages, a feeling I'll associate with a phrase like "get the hell on that, now." Also I communicate with her through Oracle cards as well.

Brighid uses Occurrences repetition and coincidence, all while being a nice comforting presence.

Another way that I communicate is through creative meditation where I rely on the answers to questions or the appearance if visual imagery as something supplied by whichever God I'm communicating with. It's not just for things though. I also pray, use ritual, and take symbolism from dreams.

There's also the general random thought, or felt presence and feelings or a  flash of imagery or a phrase I don't always know who it comes from because I work with Ares and Odin alongside Hecate and Bridghid. So it takes a little applied knowledge of my UPG and myth or lore.

My favorite way by far though is creative meditation. :)

Faith in Everyday Life / Re: Independent (an update)
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:02:27 pm »
Quote from: Snowdrop;108116
Well, to be fair, I think she's saying there's no such thing as spirituality without deity for her.

I think . . .

I think so too.

Quote from: Juni;775
I see lots of people who define themselves as a witch using specific labels- Green or Hedge or Kitchen or what-have-you, and they always make me curious. So: what kind of witch are you, and what about your witchcraft makes you choose that particular label?

I call myself a Hearth Witch. I feel that the magic that I do, and the spiritual side of my practice, is focused on my home and my family and those closest to me. I used herbs in my kitchen, cleaning, and crafting along with intent to cast my magic. Every now and then I do formal magic, but it still manages to be pretty spur of the moment and personal without a lot of structure.

Quote from: Darkhawk;107504
Well, isn't justWeaving magic, mmmmmm....

I use crochet and sewing machine magic... seems lame compared to weaving magic, even more so with the double entrende. lol

Faith in Everyday Life / Re: Kitchen/Cottage Witch Magick
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:29:09 pm »
Quote from: Rainbo;104137
I'm new however to the concept of truly labeling and putting words to these things. If I may ask, are the ingredients important to most kitchen-witches, or is it more the intention being focused through them? All I know is I tend to be pretty flexible so far with ingredients, sort of classifying them into certain groups but not really narrowing them down any further.

I think it depends on the individual. I put a lot of stock into intent, because without it there isn't much left but a handful of herbs and protien.

I wanted to say that Kitchen Witchery isn't just cooking either. I also perform little spells while I'm cleaning, crocheting, sewing, crafting, gardening, decorating and just generally caring for my home. That's why I like the term Hearth Witch, to me it represents not just the Hearth itself but also the things that we do in and around it. Today, we're less likely to sit in front of the fireplace and knit and more likely do do it in front of the television with loved ones or clean while we're having coffee.

I don't want everyone to get caught up in cooking, you can easily clean the negativity from a room with a broom and feather duster and bring prosperity and health with an airfreshner or a blanket you're woven a spell into. :)

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