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Re: Is the creation of Tulpa by non-monastic laypeople safe? Or even possible?
I recently discovered that there is an entire subculture on the internet dedicated to creating Tulpa and living with them permanently. I found this very surprising and was somewhat skeptical of it; in the Indian and Tibetan mystical tradition, Tulpa are something that can only be created by skilled, spiritually awakened individuals, typically Buddhist monks. There is also a widespread belief on the internet, both within the Tulpa subculture and within pseudo-scientific communities, that creating Tuplas is dangerous for one's mental health.

I really don't know what to make of all this. There "Tulpa" being discussed on the internet don't seem to have much in common with the Tulpa of the Indian and Tibetan mystic tradition. Those Tupla are only conjured for short times, not permanently, and they are never seen as dangerous. The internet "Tulpa" are supposedly capable of stealing the mind and body of the person who conjures them; nothing like that is ever discussed in Buddhist literature on the subject.

So, are these people just appropriating a word and using it incorrectly, or are they actually doing something that can be related directly to traditional Tibetan Buddhist Tulpa creation? I really am skeptical that they are creating Tulpa; there might be *something* supernatural going on, but I don't think it is what they sat it is. It just doesn't match the traditional description of the Tulpa very well at all. What do you think? Especially those with Buddhist or Yogic backgrounds?
The concept of what is referred to as "thoughtforms" in my spiritual-religious system has much in common with concepts of "tulpas", as some have described them.  There is no "cultural-appropriation" involved and I really do not care if people allow themselves to perceive it that way.  I have created my own concept of thoughtforms as a means to more powerfully and vividly evoke and experience various forces Above and Below and Within, for whatever reasons, whether as a temporary measure or as something more long term.

When a person describes how a god or goddess manifested before them, or some demon, or angel, it ties in with my spiritual-religious system's concept of thoughtforms.  What these people are seeing and experiencing are perceived in my culture as apparitions created by the mind to forge a stronger connection with forces Above and Below and Within.  They are unreal, but real.  Unreal imagined vessels for real forces... be those forces aspects of our own individual or collective human Nature, or something out of this world.

September 15, 2017, 12:12:33 am
Re: Monotheism and/or Polytheism
I would love to see how other site users conceptualize God and/or Gods and how they enumerate these beings.

My pantheon consists of many gods, and one supreme God.  These Forces are all worthy of worship, even those within my pantheon who have been called "angels", "devils", or "archdemons"... but the supreme God is most worthy of worship, above all others.

For me however, it is not about "belief" or "faith", it is about relationships, and how my connection to these Forces affects the present and the future.  What these Forces represent and how they relate to nature- or more importantly, individual and collective human Nature- is far more relevant than whether or not some aspects of these Forces originate from elsewhere in the cosmos or within some transcendental plane of existence.  I embrace God(s), I experience God(s), I worship God(s), I pay homage to God(s)... and I utilize God(s) as a constant source of motivation, inspiration, strength, power, wisdom, and beauty...  and to help me achieve my dreams and goals and ambitions. 

October 23, 2017, 04:58:16 am
Re: How do you describe your religious identity in public?
A lot of us following pagan and otherwise non-mainstream paths find that we have to tread carefully around the topic outside of pagan spaces, or even outside of our own personal mystic spaces. How do you navigate that? What descriptors have you taken to using for your faith in various non-pagan circles?

When it is brought up, I may describe my religion as a polytheistic version of Abrahamism... inspired by Babylonian and Sumerian mythology and all Abrahamic religion, drawing also from the strengths of any religion I Will.

December 31, 2017, 01:44:09 pm
Re: How can I connect with a deity that fits my personality?

I would like to know how to worship and connect with a deity that fits myself? Is it normal that meditation results in nothing or am I doing anything wrong? Have any of you had experience connecting and meeting your deity, receiving advice from them in life, if yes, please share. :) Thank you and have a nice day.

You can reach out and embrace and experience any god or goddess you want, never allow anyone to convince you otherwise.  All it takes is Will, and action upon that Will. 

If that is difficult for you to understand, try and think of it like this.  When you know what it is you must experience, deep down like it was always meant to be, like some burning magnetic desire and passion that's been pushing you towards a certain path, you act upon that inner power and make things happen so that you've experienced what you felt you must experience.

January 14, 2018, 11:23:46 am
Re: Exercises to Improve Worship
I am somewhat a newcomer when it comes to taking paganism seriously. I have been doing meditation quite often in a week and carry out simple candle rituals. Is there anything I can do to improve my faith and strengthen my relationship with the divine? Or are there any sources to help me with that?

You could consider what your gods are like and how your actions on earth might help you grow in their attributes. 

There is an archangelic demon goddess in my pantheon strongly associated with war, wisdom, apotheosis, victory and glory, deserts, and adventure, and a balance of or between extremes.  Training my body, working out and pushing my limits strengthen my connection to this goddess.  Reflecting on who I am and who I Will to be, what I Will to do, strengthen this connection.  A walk in the desert, or standing and reflecting atop a mountain during a lightning storm, strengthen our connection.  Experiencing new and exciting places, exploring nature, defeating my opponents, overcoming adversity, facing the challenges ahead and making my dreams a reality all strengthen my connection to this awesome goddess.

There is an an archangelic god in my pantheon strongly associated with enlightenment, wisdom, sorcery, apotheosis, perfection, pride, charisma, freedom, and ambition.  Opening my mind to the strength, power, wisdom and beauty that can be found in science and religion, or any area of learning, strengthens my connection to this deity.  Pushing past my mental and physical limitations, attaining more influential positions, and discovering effective ways to utilize the people and resources around me strengthens my connection to this god.  Breaking my chains, defying fate, exceeding my perceived limitations, taking control of my life and making that life what I Will it to be strengthens this connection as well.

There is an archdemon goddess in my pantheon strongly associated with excitement and pleasure, sex, beauty, charisma, illusion, adventure, sorcery, and wrath.  One might imagine the glorious things one could experience to strengthen one's connection to this goddess.

At least, this how things are for me.  My choices and actions may strengthen or weaken my connection to the gods I experience.  Nothing stays the same forever.

In addition to some things mentioned above, there is conversative prayer.   This allows me to better visualize what paths in life are truly open to me, and to become more aware of my own Will and the Will of my gods. There is music, which affects my inspiration to push past my limits and achieve my goals and ambitions.  It is also there to help me relax, and chill, and imagine the experiences of my gods.  There is art... which I include for all the same reasons as music, but it is even more important to me, as is it is how I open gates for my gods to enter the hearts and minds of Man.

Last, I remember my gods.  Whether it is a Solstice or an Equinox, or their midpoints, or some epic celestial event, and I am experiencing some natural euphoria.  Whether it is some sacred ritual or a simple walk in the desert.  Whether it is some serene moment during a beautiful storm, or a moment staring out across the sky towards a colorful desert sunset, or when I look up at night at the stars to reflect on who I have become and where I am going.  Whether it is just another moment in time, of everyday life, of this drop in the river of life, I remember my gods, and I am mindful of their Will... as well as my own.

January 28, 2018, 01:55:01 pm
Re: Unable to visualize on anti-psychotic medications
In dealing with a bit of a issue.
I deal with pretty bad depression and anxiety. I suffered panic attacks, paranoid delusions, hallucinations, brain fog, confusion, ect. I didn't work for 3 years because of it and I finally decided to try medication.

I really have a much better handle on my mundane life, but I can't visualize like I used to be able to. I can meditate so so much better, but when I'm trying to see something in my minds eye I just... can't. There is just nothing. Nothing there. I'm thinking the thoughts but I can't see anything. I used to be able to see things so clearly.

I can't pick witchcraft over basic functioning, but I'm pretty down about it. Does anyone have any ideas or advice on different methods of visualization or how to go on without it? It really seems to be the corner stone of a lot of spiritual work.

Thank you ♡♡

Here are some of my own suggestions-

-Practice better fitness and nutrition to strengthen the machine that is your body, which will also strengthen the mind.

-Drink more water, absorb more sunlight, shower often, get plenty of sleep.  Practice good hygiene and healthier habits.  Looking better, feeling better, performing better will help you think better.  And imagine better.

-Utilize music to help you visualize.

-Record your thoughts in journals/ notes, voice memos, and/ or artwork.

-Write down everything you remember about your dreams.

-Find places in nature or forces/ aspects of nature that inspire strong spiritual-religious feelings.  Maybe they make you feel at peace, or maybe they make you feel more alive, or maybe you see some raging chaos within reflected in the environment around you.  Maybe these aspects of nature empower some part of your own human Nature, or strengthen your connection to your gods.  For me its the desert, mountain peaks, the ocean, colorful sunsets, strong winds and lightning, and thunderstorms.

-Consider visiting religious temples, cathedrals, sacred ruins, and other spiritual-religious sites where the architecture and monuments were specifically designed with human religion and spirituality in mind. 

Bonus suggestion

-Smoke a blunt of some OG Kush using cherry blunt wraps while sitting on top of a mountain in the desert during a beautiful sunset as a powerful thunderstorm is approaching, while listening to the song Deliverance by Opeth and imagining your gods guiding you into some epic celestial/ infernal spiritual-religious vision.

April 27, 2018, 10:47:55 pm
Re: "I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior, JC"
I don't tend to mind....but part of my brain very much wonders if it ever occurs to anyone else that by thanking God for your victory, you are sort of implying that God likes you better than the people you beat (Did you pray harder?  Were you a better follower of your religion?)

From what I have seen and experienced, the thanking of God(s) after athletic events and other significant achievements and victories is often about reaching out and thanking God(s) for their role in the  strength, power, wisdom, inspiration and motivation it took to get to where we are now and succeed in our ambitions.

Am I the only one who finds this particularly irksome?

Does this grate on anyone else the way it grates on me?

I have no issue with individuals praising their God(s) in victory or in failure, or whenever... in fact I think it is f***ing awesome.

June 12, 2018, 03:23:22 pm
Re: Just Stay Positive...
As usual, I apologize for my vagueness-yet-over-explanation here.

So, I'm in the middle of just about the most tumultuous and painful situation I've ever been in. I'm beginning both magical and mundane work soon that I'm 100% confident will bring an end to it.

My problem is this, though...

I know that negativity can greatly affect the results of any work. While I'm confident in the work I'll be doing, I find it nearly impossible not to feel pain and doubt about the situation in my day-to-day life.

Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this? Would the daily emotional pain really affect results that badly? If so, does anyone have any techniques for banishing the pain or shielding the work itself from any negative emotions I feel outside of my ritual space?

Anything is appreciated.

Pain.  You can allow it to make you suffer.  Or, can ignore it, bury it, and overcome it.  You can even banish it.  You can savor it.  You can embrace and utilize it.  You can fear it, you can hate it, you can love it, you can respect it.

We all choose how we feel about our pain and what we end up doing with our pain.  How much control over our emotions we have will govern the effect our pain has on our mind and body... and how that that pain might affect the world around us.

Control over your emotions... that is something you will have to learn yourself.  Others will not control your emotions for you, “magick” will not control your emotions for you.  This is something you will succeed or fail at doing yourself.

June 19, 2018, 12:21:00 pm
Re: Let's talk about patron deities.
An ever-common topic in the Paganism for Beginners subforum (and others) is 'Help me find my patron deity'...

Any thoughts?

The way I see it, people who are “searching for their patron deity” may really be trying to figure out what aspect(s) of their own human Nature they want to embrace above the rest, and the future that comes with doing so.  Then they might find a god/goddess that embodies that aspect and inspires them to embrace that aspect. 

It reminds me of the Judgement of Paris.  In “choosing a goddess”, he chose an aspect of human Nature (and the resulting future) he sought to prioritize above the others.  In that story he chose to pursue love (Aphrodite), over victory in battle (Athena) and becoming a ruler (Hera). 

July 03, 2018, 12:13:40 pm
Personal Pantheons I want you to describe to me your gods without using any of their names. 

There are reasons for this.  I would like to know how the gods of your spiritual-religious system are experienced through you, personally.  Maybe we are very different, you and I, in the gods we embrace.  Maybe we are not so different.  Maybe we use different words or names for the same thing.  Maybe not.

So, as awesome or terrible or crazy as it sounds, I welcome your responses.  If there are too many gods to mention, tell me about those you are most involved with.  You may include other divine beings such as “demons” or “angels”, even if you do not view them as gods.  Any gods or godlike beings above or below or within, or wherever, I would like you to convey for me the gods of your pantheons as you have experienced them.  I will do the same. 

July 31, 2018, 05:50:07 am
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