Table of Contents

Recommended Resources for Sacred Geometry

These pages have given a basic introduction to sacred geometry. Try the following resources for more information. While lots of valuable knowledge can be gained from them, carefully scrutinize any claims that sacred geometry lies behind some natural phenomenon or work of art or architecture; the claim may or may not measure up!

In Print

Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice by Robert Lawlor—Perhaps the most rewarding, though mathematically challenging, text on the subject; with its workbook exercises, this paperback offers a wonderful opportunity for hands-on learning

Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code by Stephen Skinner—Surveys the field, with special attention to the history of sacred geometry and to the mathematicians who explored it in the West

Sacred Geometry by Miranda Lundy—A beautiful little art book, nearly pocket-sized, filled with illustrations rendered in pen and ink

Selected Websites

The Geometry Code: Sacred Geometry Introductory Tutorial by Bruce Rawles
One point of view on how sacred geometry plays out in the universe around us

Fibonacci Flim-Flam by Donald E. Simanek
The opposite point of view; this professor of physics debunks the excesses of philosophers, and sacred geometry adherents in general, with gusto

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