Sacred Geometry in 3D

So far we’ve been working in 2 dimensions, as if on a piece of paper, for the most part. But sacred geometry can be carried to the solid world of 3 dimensions. We’ve already seen that the major 2-dimensional shapes all have 3D analogs: sphere for the circle, tetrahedron (4 sides) for the triangle, hexahedron a.k.a. the cube (6 sides) for the square, and dodecahedron (12 sides) for the pentagon.

Using identical regular polygons, there are only 5 regular solids (or, to use the mathematical term, convex polyhedra) one can construct:

i.imgur.com_biszw5l.jpg the tetrahedron…

i.imgur.com_ucvbojc.jpg …the cube…

i.imgur.com_7vgv0mh.jpg …the octahedron (8 triangular sides; like 2 pyramids joined at the base)…

i.imgur.com_hkiu2p7.jpg …the dodecahedron…

i.imgur.com_6lnzgpi.jpg …and the icosahedron (from triangles again, but with 20 sides).

These are called the Platonic solids, because Plato assigned each one to an element: the tetrahedron to fire, the cube to earth, the octahedron to air, the icosahedron to water, and the dodecahedron to the astral.

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